People compliment me every day on the way I look and don’t believe that I could have possibly weighed 450 pounds at any time in my life. Simply put, I have Dr. Vincent DiNick to thank for that. Yes, I lost 270 pounds, but Dr. DiNick took what was left after such a drastic weight loss and sculpted it into a body I am very proud of today. His caring approach and his meticulous attention to detail left me feeling great about the entire process as well as the end result of my two plastic surgery procedures. From my first visit to Brookside Medical Center, my two surgeries and each follow up visit thereafter, Dr. DiNick and his team have provided me with excellent care which included being both safe and affordable. Dr. DiNick himself stayed the entire night with me in Recovery after my first surgery to ensure that I would be fine after a long and extensive abdominoplasty. I highly recommend Dr. DiNick and the Brookside Medical Center to anyone looking for Plastic Surgery of any kind. Being a patient of Dr. DiNick and his wonderful staff team has been a truly rewarding experience.
Parkhill, Ontario, Canada
Dr. DiNick walks in introduces himself, shakes my hand sits down and asks me “How can I make you more beautiful”? What? More beautiful? Me? This is my first meeting with Dr. DiNick.
There are a lot of things you will read when someone writes a testimonial. After all, nobody writes a “testimonial” if they are not happy. Am I happy? Well, let’s just say that is an understatement. However, I wanted to write a testimonial that was different. Like I would want to read, the actual way I would tell you if we were together. I hope you don’t mind.
First off, from start to finish the staff is amazing! Anytime you go to the doctor, you don’t deal with one person, right? You deal with a team, and this team proves to be a winning team from the very first call you make! You can’t turn a corner in this beautiful facility where bright eyes, laughter, and warm smiles are not waiting for you. You don’t have to wait long, paperwork is taken care of quickly and efficiently, and any questions are answered right away. Oh yeah, and the rooms are warm! Anyone who has ever had to wear the lovely paper outfit really appreciates a warm exam room.
I first saw Dr. DiNick at one of his seminars. If you have the opportunity to go to one, don’t miss it. I mean it! Make the time. You will have questions answered you didn’t think of but were sure glad you found the answers to. It is wonderfully informative and frankly, just awesome to see the before and after patient pictures!
So the meat of my reason to tell you this is simple; my husband is the most precision person I have ever met. He measures things to the thousandth’s, (that is 1/3 of a strand of human hair). Let me explain…When I was getting ready for my surgery he was sitting there as Dr. DiNick came in to make his marks before surgery. Bob was really scrutinizing Dr. DiNick while he measured, sat back, measured, sat back, measured and sat back again, checking his work over and over, and in no typical doctor hurry. When he was finished, Bob said he lit up, kind of smiled a bit. He shook Bobs’ hand, and asked us if we needed anything? Was I comfortable enough, and did either of us had last minute questions, or concerns before surgery? When Dr. DiNick left my husband sat back and grinned. I asked him what was up with the grin and he leaned forward and told me this: “he looked at you, measured, measured again, mentally did his art, saw the finished product in his head, recalculated again, and then again until he was sure he had it right! He would do his surgery, his craft, his art, the very best he could possibly do for you…. And that is exactly how I work”. Hmm, I thought…enough said.
The finished product? It is art and nothing short of Amazing! Rest assured; Dr. DiNick is who you want to do any plastic, or reconstructive surgery. You’ve heard it before…”Don’t settle for less than the best!”
New Hudson, MI